Street fighter 6 ryu dong
Street fighter 6 ryu dong

street fighter 6 ryu dong

The reactions vary from bemused to lewd fantasies.

street fighter 6 ryu dong

The prize for best reaction might well go to PooruBoy, the YouTuber who, for their most known reasons, lit up different clips in an opine style. With this trailer, Wide Ryu appears to be a meme. The discovery was seized by the community with glee and the whole ‘Dad Ryu’ and ‘Hot Ryu’ thirst for Street Fighter’s OG champ. In spite of that, Ryu has a pretty wide bulge around the crotch. The trailer shows Ryu and Luke preparing to fight, glowering moodily at each other, and then… a shot looking up at those two fighters suggests that Ryu’s arms aren’t the only bulk he’s sporting. Earlier this week, Capcom announced the latest fight in the iconic series Street Fighter 6.

Street fighter 6 ryu dong